Santos hits a snag at Mullaley meeting

Report from Santos meeting at Mullaley courtesy David Quince

Peter Mitchley, General Manager Energy NSW from Santos made a commitment to landholders at a meeting on Thursday 15 November , 7:30am at Mullaley Town Hall.

He committed that he would go back and ask his immediate superiors that the community of Mullaley and surrounds had requested as an act of good faith that instead of Santos going ahead with their announced drilling plans and expansion for the industry, that Santos would cease and desist until such a time as the issues bought to their attention at this meeting on 15 November 2012 could be addressed.

These issues were:

  • Water issues: Well integrity is not secure. The NSW Government Govt paper on well integrity is flawed – was peer reviewed by a bore driller and they couldn’t see that the paper could be correct, not possible to evenly apply the cement, strength of cement, no reinforcing.
  • Contamination of our aquifers.
  • Concerns about the reinjection of coal seam water.
  • Health impacts of spillages and methane emissions in the region.
  • The devaluation of country and properties.

At this Mullaley meeting, Santos committed to paying for independent baseline forensic water testing and baseline fugitive emissions monitoring across the region.

The community passed a motion at the meeting, a unanimous statement by the community that Santos was not welcome in the area.

The recent misleading Santos ads inflamed the situation in the region.

Also raised at this meeting was Santos Environmental record with the company Brantos ,that they held a 19% share in the company and were the ones not only supplying the technical expertise but overseeing the actual drilling which caused the mud volcanoes in Indonesia which not only claimed lives but also has displaced over 40,000 Indonesians which has still has not been rectified .

The community viewed Santos with complete disdain at Santos’ indifference and coldness in response to the plight of the elderly gentleman who spoke up at the meeting. He was diagnosed with cancer three years prior and tried to sell his property, but couldn’t get a decent price for the property due to the coal seam gas threat over the property. Santos’ indifference to this personal experience showed they are clearly not ‘all about people’ as they falsely claim.